20 stories
The phenomena surrounding computers are diverse and yield a surprisingly rich base for launching metaphors at individual and group activities.
Startup culture is different from the employee culture at large companies. Inaction, perfectionism and over-confidence are just a few ways to fail.
The successful among the cohort of 2014 engineers are those with resumes illustrating an ability to learn key value enabling technologies.
Breaking into my first high tech job was hard. I wish advice and proper job search tools existed. I hope my decade of tips make it easier for you.
How do you manage your time? Does the company offer any special working hours for you as a master's student? Do they encourage or help financially?
If you find it isn't your thing, then 30 minutes wasted. But Haskell is the prettiest programming language under the Sun, for what that's worth.
How Venture Capital firms miss out on the best breed of Startups
You get as much as you negotiate. The non-negotiator will in the end become the victim.
What kind of tasks or skills make them so valuable? And how can you replicate their success?
Entrepreneurship is the art of living; not by reading instructions, watching someone else, dreaming, modeling or planning. It’s to live as a painter.
or Newton's law of universal job gravitation
The first $1M of startup fundraising, in angel investment or seed capital, has a job. The job of the funding depends on when you raise it.
"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others."
Would entrepreneurs in the near future have any incentive to go to college?
You’re approaching your final college year not having interned at Facebook, Amazon or Google. Are you considered an idiot? Is your career doomed?
"Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better." Florence Nightingale, Founder of Nursing
Why some applicants who get rejected everywhere else get accepted to Google?
The first job is a chicken and egg problem. How can I get the first job that gives me experience, when the first job itself needs experience?
I have built my startup product, but customers are not in a hurry to buy and investors say we're too early for them. What's my next move?