14 stories

You are given the data set of all Google crawled URLs on the Internet -- that's a very large set. Write an algorithm to find the median URL length.

775 views Amin A.

Serialize a list of strings into a byte array. Then deserialize it.

826 views Amin A.

Given a string, return whether it is made of a perfectly repeated string pattern.

678 views Amin A.

Given an HTML with messed up tag nesting, output the correct and unambiguous version of the HTML.

707 views Amin A.

Given that a tree is made of only red or black nodes, return another tree that only has the paths of the original tree leading to a red node.

727 views Amin A.

Given a Google Search Query, find the AdWords Categories best describing it

725 views Amin A.

Seven people are blindfolded and given unique colored hats at a roundtable. How should they cooperate for at least one to guess her own color?

728 views Amin A.

How many binary tree topologies are possible given n nodes?

790 views Amin A.

You have trillions of URLs stored uniquely, without order, across numerous machines, each with a score. Find the 1000 URLs with the highest scores.

795 views Amin A.

What is the most efficient way to sort a million 32-bit integers?

752 views Amin A.

How do you manage your time? Does the company offer any special working hours for you as a master's student? Do they encourage or help financially?

20,009 views Rudresh P. S. D. Kamkara V. VAKARAMOKO K. L D.

What kind of tasks or skills make them so valuable? And how can you replicate their success?

1,121,519 views Rudresh P. S. D. Kamkara V. VAKARAMOKO K. L D.

In the startup's ideation stage, outside expectations are the main cause of failure. If you cannot afford to make a mistake, you will not create.

11,340 views Rudresh P. S. D. Kamkara V. VAKARAMOKO K. L D.

The rise of Facebook, and the Google Plus strategic cluster-fuck

9,871 views Rudresh P. S. D. VAKARAMOKO K. L D. Marco M.