Graph Cycle Detection

You have a directed connected graph. Write an algorithm that detects any cycle, if one exists, and returns a list of its nodes.

Problem Statement

You have a directed connected graph. Write an algorithm that detects any cycle, if one exists, and returns a list of its nodes.


  • Completeness of the C# or pseudo-code algorithm (25%)

  • Correctness of the algorithm, demonstrated by quick manual unit tests (25%)

  • What is the time and space complexity of your algorithm? (25%)

  • Is the most efficient solution, O (n), offered? (25%)


Hint: Hash tables and Dirty bits are both acceptable solutions as long as you qualify the ugliness of your answer and suggest that a better answer exists.


A senior developer at Amazon asked me this question during an interview

Amin A.

Written by

Amin Ariana

A software entrepreneur from San Francisco